Maseru, Mar.21 – The Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition Mr. Thabo Mofosi has on Friday in the National Assembly requested the Committee of Supply to allocate M581, 921, 320 million to the Ministry to ensure food security.
Mr. Mofosi said the Ministry has already strategized how it would achieve the above, indicating that with the money requested, the Ministry will be able to build climate change resilience livelihoods and the food systems project.
“We aim to improve production by 5.1 percent “he said, elaborating that they will develop production and investment in partnership with the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Business Development.
He added that there is a need to form partnerships with other countries, such as South Africa in a bid to improve and commercialize agriculture, saying through Smallholder Agriculture Development Project (SADP) II, they will continue to provide financial support to emerging agricultural small and medium enterprises (SMMES).