Maseru, Mar.21 – The Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition Mr. Thabo Mofosi has on Friday in the National Assembly requested the Committee of...
Thaba Tseka March 21 — The Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security, and Nutrition commended the farmers of Thaba Tseka for their...
Qacha’s Nek, March.18 — Seized animals at Ha Semenyane, Sehlabathebe die due to hunger. “These animals, are seized when they have crossed the preserved lands...
Mohale’s Hoek, March-07 — Lesotho National Farmers Union (LENAFU) in collaboration with World Food Programme, Adaptation Fund and IACOV held a workshop to educate farmers...
Maseru, March. 16 – To fight poverty and hunger, eradicate the effects of climate change, youth have engaged in smart agriculture known as ‘hydroponics’. This...
Maseru, March. 14 — The Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition has officially announced African armyworm outbreak (seboko sa lebotho) on Friday. Mr. Thabo...
Mohale’s Hoek, March – 14 — Ministry of Environment and Forestry through its department of Meteorology conducted a training workshop for area Chiefs and Councillors...
Maseru, Mar. 14 — The Portfolio Committee on the Economic and Development Cluster has on Friday agreed to withdraw the amendment of 5.23 of the report...
Mafeteng, March 13 — The District Agricultural Officer Mr. Polao Tlali has warned members of the community and farmers about armyworm outbreak. In an interview...