Maseru, Oct. 30 — The Ministry of Tourism, Sports, Arts and Culture has assured the public that it will collaborate with relevant authorities to investigate and take action against culprits who are alleged to have attacked tourists a few days ago.
According to the statement from the Ministry, this, after reports trending on social media indicates that tourists were harassed by children who maliciously threw stones at their vehicles and injured them at Ha Maseru village in Moteng, Botha-Bothe.
It indicates that these types of incidents tend to create a dark cloud over the country and counter every destination marketing effort done to attract tourists to Lesotho, assuring the public that it has taken this matter seriously.
“The Ministry is entrusted to oversee tourism development in Lesotho, we value all visitors to our beautiful kingdom and place a high premium on safety and hospitality to our visitors and regard any such occurrence as unacetable” it stresses.